Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
When We Were in Highschool
a new experiment with some carbon twill, a stringerless blank and some bamboo b-5 fins from Chuck up @ True Ames...suhw33333333333t!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
M 4 c k r 3 l 1 |\| g
Them Mackrel caught a mean Velzy fin to the head.
adventure time,
dinner time,
Nick Cook,
Ryan Lovelace
Posted by
9:22 AM

Sunday, July 24, 2011
A 3 and a 1
Nick Cook carving one out during a recent swell event.
I took this one with my camera phone,
binoculars also work (photo of me concentrating by mr. Cook, who's new site is well worth a gander, by the way):
taking this photo:
camera phones 4 life.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Johhny McCann, my recently acquired, musically gifted and heavy-shredding friend gave in an ordered a board.
He asked me to use the colors and general feel of his new album cover (the orig. art was done by none other than Trevor Gordon)'s what happened next:
Monday, July 18, 2011
Donkey Slipping
donkeyslipper from Christian Yeager on Vimeo.
"No turn or tubes in this clip...but I partied the shit out of those waves..."
Saturday, July 16, 2011
3vo Eggz
The afformentioned 6'7" version of v.Bowls; named b.Minor. This one is for Mae down south, the original Pinky colors were requested...
Friday, July 15, 2011
Space Case
7'9" and full of shred. I got to spend three consecutive days on this puppy with hardly a soul around and a mechanical reef peak to work out some r&d on.
I will be making a. lot. more. of this one.
So far I've done variations on v.bowls in 6'3", 6'7", 7'9" and 8', each one has been a pleaser in every sense of the word. Super flowy and smooth with lots of down the line speed and a buttery, deep cutback that accelerates all the way back to the whitewater.
...I have a new favorite!
The inlay is a hand printed scarf from India, over a really light powdery blue pigment.
She's essentially a mellow rockered, down railed, widepoint-back midlength. Slight belly up front with a shallow vee between your feet and a flat, hard railed tail for tons of speed and release...yeah, that sounds about right.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Summertime woes slowed,
we return to daily existence a little richer but somehow never satisfied.
Always wanting more. Such a momentary pursuit, and so very worth the chase.
Monday, July 11, 2011
5'8 Gullet for A.Wei in Taiwan.
Photographed in the dead of night for ultimate shred at first light...
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Goodbye crap surf of the SB summer, hello this weekend.
Enjoy, everyone...I'll return to the blogosphere when I'm back in civilization...I've got some tasty treats from the past week in the boatyard to share with you all shortly.
9'0 Fo' Sale
9'0 x 23 x 3 Pointer...MmmmmMm.
lightly used and in reeeeeal nice shape, hardly a pressure dent on it.
Slightly rolled bottom, 50/50 rails and a thinly foiled nose; she loves to turn and has a real sweet vee panel off the tail that slips'n slides you right into the pocket.
Askin' $575.00 and she's located in Santa Barbara.
ryan |at|
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Midlength Madness
I've been all about midlengths for a few years now and it's been a little quest of mine (amongst too many others) to nail a couple of designs that just plain stoke people out every time they ride 'em.
Midlengths are tricky business and I finally feel like I've nailed two designs pretty hard...One for juicier waves, and one for head high and under days, both get my blood going just thinking about the lines they've been drawing recently...a really smooth mix of powerful flow, glide and some deep carves to top it off.
Call me stoked.
Here's Travers Adler showing us how it's done on v.Bowls...Step 1, the planning:
step 2, the execution:
step 3, rejoice:
For me, the coolest thing about these is that everyone who snags a few waves handles them with some serious conviction right off the bat...heres Connor getting finding some time in the slot on the same board:
...shape it and they will trim. Greg Swanson poised for success on Silky Love:
Greg Swanson,
silky love,
single fins for the wins,
Transition Era,
Travers Adler,
Posted by
9:12 AM

Monday, July 4, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
It's a tough thing these days, trying to follow your heart without following the falsities that are flashed and danced in front of you. The farther I remove myself the more I feel like me and the more I feel like that's a good thing to be.
Growing up a normal middle-class white kid in the US, I was told by modern culture that I needed to have to be a legitimate human being. These are most of the things that seem to slip through my fingers when I have them "at last"; leaving me with my truths and my intentions and few physical things. While my path through life is becoming anything but normal, it's 100% mine.
Sometimes looking from the outside makes you wonder how you got to where you are today. This is where I am this morning:
This is where I'll be this evening:
Learning Life,
overall contentment with life,
starting fresh
Posted by
9:02 AM

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