Friday, September 28, 2012

Rabbits Foot Updates

Oh goodness.
Rabbits Foot ridden by one mr.Ari Browne...Holy crap.

That about says what I'm feeling, here after seeing this one.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Some New v.Bowls Thang

Troy Mothershead + Pintail variation on the 8' v.Bowls.

I always love watching how the board reacts to different people's styles and the lines they like to draw with the design.  

Versatility in different conditions as well as a very distinct performance when pushed is what I was after when I designed the style of board and this video does a good job of highlighting that when compared to other v.Bowls videos.  Troy's approach is a bit more aggressive off the bottom and projects higher into the wave, showing how an understanding of the board's volume placement and balance can be used to juuust about anyone's advantage.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

To SF we go!

Off to San Francisco to check out my boards in the art show opening at the RVCA gallery on Haight st. tomorrow; the show is a collection of work by Blake Marquis, who came up to the shop a few weeks ago to collaborate on a few boards with me.  Come swing by the show friday night if you're free and easy, I'll be hangin' out eating snacks 'n stuff.

Here are some photos the Blake's friend shot from the afternoon in and around the shop: 

ph | Steven Nereo