Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sh!t We Love (+)

scope the 6'4" winged round-pin in the new issue of Surfer Magazine in the Sh!t We Love feature. That makes two months of pelican appearances in a row. Heavy!

It's pretty humbling, honestly. It's one thing to have a photo of someone shredding on one of your boards show up in print (amazing); But to whittle it down to JUST the shape, the lines and composition of the board (especially a clear sanded finish one), is a compliment that's reading off my normal meter. I can't tell you how many times I've found bits and pieces of my work through the pages of surf mags, to be a shot of the back of my head, or hands, or silhouette, anything that doesn't spell out anything about my work without being an article; but this. THIS one does it clearly and plainly.

I guess I'm trying to wrap words around something I have no words for, so I'll stop here.

Humbled and flattered.

Unless the editors were REALLY into the texture of that wall.


The Magic Bus said...

Thats amazing Ryan! Congratulations!

RAP said...

beautiful board - it belongs there! stoked!