Thursday, June 9, 2011

Today Feels Like:

This is my 1000'th post, and pcprog. has 199 followers...who wants to round that # off for us all and make me a VERY happy camper? 200 is a pretty epic number, and I am flattered that so many people take the time to check in on what I'm up to!

Seriously though, today has been the sweetest day. She's risen out of the ashes of what was supposed to be a day in traffic court...then I got an extension and was out the door before 8:00am. win.

It's now 11:15 and I've already walked a healthy amount, worked on three wood boards, gotten well dusty, spent time with very dear-to-me people, caught up on my emails, eaten some tasty cranberries and now I'm going to glass the afternoon away in the boatyard with Connor after eating the best chicken quesadilla Santa Barbara has to offer under $2.89.

This. This is a very good day.

photos of Trevor G.don and surftastic equipment: Morgo Maassen


Tony Passolano said...

Rounded that off, keep on posting!

Ryan said...


you're now added to my list of "the mans"

Kris Chatterson said...

Boosted to 201! Been following you with my Google reader for a while now. Time to make it official!