That pretentious surf shop employee vibe is getting kindof old to me, wish people would lighten up and realize they've got it pretty good and just 'cause someone isn't wearing a flannel shirt and neon glasses doesn't mean they don't have something interesting to offer >>>>>>>>
truer words are rarely spoken
it's hard for sardines to accept craft if it's not endorsed by a fellow sardine--let's can 'em!
This looks like a pretty interesting offering to me, hope that dude lightens up
well spoken and amen
this post brightened my otherwise rainy day, awesome shape. the day i get enough money, im courting a velo from you
killer :)
spoons are good for your health!
Drag em' out in the street and spray them neon blue. Be sure to not miss the eyes...they are blind already.
surf shop dickheads, we have them in NZ too, love your blog, your shapes are beautiful, infact its the whole package, awesome stuff, big fan, mike c from north east coast of NZ
Hey bro-hog I used to live in SB and even worked at the Yater shop a decade ago and know exactly what you mean by this. I now live in Australia and the dudes that work in shops here are extremely closed minded which now makes me think that it wasn't so bad in SB. That being said really been digging your sleds and would love to bring a Hull back to the hollow points here on the Goldcoast.
I work in a surf shop and i'm a errrrrr a dick!
richard dickonson
this is a blanket statement, everyone is a dick! :)
actually, i wont name the surf shop, it was not a local SB shop, but i just needed to vent a little frustration...thanks for all the kind words, kiddies!
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