Monday, July 12, 2010


Today's special is something I've been interested in doing and I guess have been doing a lot of in the past little while...I really like transition era boards, or maybe I should say I really like what they were getting at.
The curves looked so right most of the time, and the ideas were all over the place and accentuated to the highest degree sometimes so I've always wanted to make something reeeeeally similar but add on some of the more modern knowledge and style thats in play in today's boards.

This one is an 8'6 derived from about 12 different templates of mine, with a low and pretty flat rocker and a pulled back wide-point compared to my other boards.  Bellied out but not outrageously so, and an overall thinner foil than most trans-style boards (you know what I'm talking about...).  What came out is really cool to me, a pretty solid vee off the tail, and it took all of my not to foil that sucker out, but I didn't!

If you want some boards to reference, take a look at the first half of the Innermost Limits of Pure Fun for my inspiration, those guys are enjoying themselves too much.............


El Hefe said...

me likey!

knots said...

Ditto on what "the Chief"
said!!!! Love the thought process you've got going. Keep em comin!