Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Stage III Finished

You've got to go through hell before you get to heaven.

Function over form, always.  This one may not be too pretty to the average surfer, but I think it's beautiful, prefect.  Brand new and full of bondo.  It's a prototype. Deal with it :)

Wanna see the important part?

Stage III Hull Flex Demo from Ryan Lovelace on Vimeo.


o4trix said...

ummm... sí! lets get flexy

shea said...


that is insane!!

yo said...

yo! eet ees de bonitas! f/unck up dee keeds dat aint into eet...

Eduardo Iñarritu said...

Amazing! can't wait to see it action. woo hoo!

Cheyne said...

thing is beautiful just the way it the hole idea and look of it bondo is king

LeeV said...

Very nice Ryan! It's always been about the twist not the bend. You are taking a new tack on it. Congrats!

A. Swanson said...

It's not that good... I'll take it off your hands for like $5